Produse pentru sunteţi special (1779)

Teste de dozare a polifosfaților personalizate din alamă

Teste de dozare a polifosfaților personalizate din alamă

Le teste per dosatori di polifosfati personalizzate in ottone sono progettate per prevenire calcare e corrosione nelle tubature, offrendo soluzioni affidabili e durature per il trattamento delle acque. Realizzate con ottone di alta qualità, queste teste offrono una resistenza eccezionale alla corrosione e una lunga durata, rendendole ideali per applicazioni domestiche e industriali. La possibilità di personalizzare queste teste secondo le specifiche del cliente garantisce un adattamento perfetto e un funzionamento ottimale, migliorando l'efficienza e la sicurezza dei sistemi in cui vengono utilizzate. Le principali categorie di dosatori di polifosfati includono dosatori a cartuccia, proporzionali, manuali, automatici e per caldaie. Questa varietà di opzioni consente di scegliere la testa più adatta per ogni applicazione specifica, garantendo una protezione efficace contro il calcare e la corrosione. Grazie alla loro robustezza e versatilità, le teste per dosatori di polifosfati personalizzate in ottone rappresentano una soluzione affidabile per qualsiasi progetto che richieda componenti di alta qualità e prestazioni durature nel trattamento delle acque.
ALMAQ - Inductanță cu rezistență

ALMAQ - Inductanță cu rezistență

ALMAQ es una formulación que estimula a las plantas a desarrollar mecanismos de defensa endógenos, haciéndolas más resistentes al estrés biótico y abiótico. Debido a la presencia de nitrógeno y fósforo, el producto previene y cuida las deficiencias nutricionales y refuerza los tejidos que serán más resistentes a los agentes de estrés físico y mecánico. Además, los extractos específicos de plantas estimulan a las plantas a producir fitoalessina, que son sustancias endógenas naturales que crean condiciones desfavorables para la fungina y las bacterias. La formulación está especialmente recomendada para cultivos de vid. Apecto:Líquido marrón oscuro Aplicación:Foliar y fertirrigación embalaje:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Fabricare Aditivă - Furnizor Specializat de Servicii Din 1994

Fabricare Aditivă - Furnizor Specializat de Servicii Din 1994

FKM bietet zu 100 % industriellen Highend-3D-Druck für Funktionsprototypen, Ersatzteile und Serien direkt aus 3D-Daten. Profitieren Sie von erfahrener Qualität in Kunststoff und Metall
Îngrășământ Special pentru Gazon - Ascogreen

Îngrășământ Special pentru Gazon - Ascogreen

Ascogreen spécial gazon 27-0-0 démarrage est obtenu à partir de TSL29, une crème d’algues brunes micronisées du Pays Bigouden. Ascogreen est un fertilisant pour gazon conçu à base de TSL29 et enrichi en Azote. Ascogreen peut être utilisé sur tout type de gazons en début de végétation ou en reprise. En plus de l’apport en Azote, il renforce la plante par les oligo-éléments rapidement assimilables et la richesse des algues.
Cadre Bloc

Cadre Bloc

Blockzargen sind für Ständer- und Mauerwerk geeignet. Die einteilige Blockzarge mit ihren zeitlosen, schlanken Profilvarianten ist klassisch als Türzarge, sowie für Festverglasungsrahmen und mehrteilige Glastrennwände einsetzbar.
KEBA Form - Șuruburi Speciale

KEBA Form - Șuruburi Speciale

range consists of individually designed engineering solutions resulting in the creation of innovative and complex fastening elements formed in up to six blows. 100% adaptable to any application Minimization of materials used and inventory costs Multi-functional use allows for large savings Simple and ecient assembly Alternative and replacement of turned parts
Bară de oțel

Bară de oțel

Geschmiedete Stäbe Rund Vierkant Sechskant Flach Längen von 15 mm bis 320 mm von 15 mm bis 250 mm von 13 mm bis 80 mm von 10 x 25 mm bis 250 x 350 mm von 1000 bis 6000 mm abhängig von der Abmessung
Forme Speciale (Plastic)

Forme Speciale (Plastic)

Verpackungen in Sonderformen auf Kundenwunsch Kunststoffverpackungen Neben Standardformen haben wir auch zahlreiche Sonderformen im Sortiment. Unsere erfahrenen Mitarbeiter beraten Sie gern über die Realisierung Ihres besonderen Verpackungswunsches. Fordern Sie uns heraus!
Animare vehicule exterior - Explicație animație sistem exterior vehicule Reinasan

Animare vehicule exterior - Explicație animație sistem exterior vehicule Reinasan

Middels deze animatie proberen we op een speelse manier in het kort een duidelijke uitleg te geven over ons systeem voor voertuigen exterieur. Meer details over dit en eventueel andere Reinasan systemen zijn terug te vinden hier op Europages, onze website en op ons YouTube kanaal. We waarderen feedback! Zend ons gerust via dit platform een bericht. Veel kijkplezier!
Seria HPS Sisteme Portal de Viteză Mare - Roboți portal pentru aplicații speciale

Seria HPS Sisteme Portal de Viteză Mare - Roboți portal pentru aplicații speciale

Our high-capacity portal palletizers act in a material-caring manner on three servo-linear axes within cubic space. We develop, design and manufacture portal robots in our in-house production facility in Gescher-Hochmoor. We are a specialist in the high-care segment -with portal robots made of high-grade steel. Maximum weight:500 kg higher on request Construction:Modular Product handling:Sparing lenght:Flexible height:Flexible width:Flexible Suitable clean-rooms:On request
Conector special - pentru atașarea cadrelor pliabile din aluminiu, pereților cu tablă albă, pereților din plută sau altora

Conector special - pentru atașarea cadrelor pliabile din aluminiu, pereților cu tablă albă, pereților din plută sau altora

The special Irus connectors are particularly suitable for mounting all panels e.g. whiteboards, cork boards, felt walls and aluminium hinged frames to our aluminium profile ( Flexi-Long ). They allow you to design any conceivable wall configuration in four different directions per profile, either rigid or movable. You can combine them all. The corresponding connectors are simply screwed to the back of the walls. They can then be mounted, erected and designed as desired. The number of connectors only depends on the size of the different walls. The bigger and heavier the walls, the more connectors have to be screwed to the back of them.
Mașini Speciale - Automatizăm producția dumneavoastră în tehnologia de ambalare!

Mașini Speciale - Automatizăm producția dumneavoastră în tehnologia de ambalare!

Spezialmaschinen von Gustav Obermeyer Neben unseren Standard-Maschinen in den Bereichen Tuben, Flaschen und Tiegel liegt unserem Unternehmen vor allem der Spezialmaschinenbau im Bereich Verpackungen und Automatisierungstechnik am Herzen. Wir bieten unseren Kunden Speziallösungen für alle Bedürfnisse, damit Sie als Kunde für jedes Produkt die richtige Anlage erhalten. Speziell angefertigte Montageautomaten und Abfüllmaschinen können Ihnen in allen Branchen, speziell in der Kosmetik– und Pharmabranche einen entscheidenden Vorteil verschaffen. Flexibilität und Individualisierbarkeit sind uns äußerst wichtig. Diese erreichen wir, indem unsere Standard-Maschinen bequem erweiterbar sind und dank unserer Bausteintechnologie präzise nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst werden können.
Construire/Fabricare chiar și componente de dimensiuni speciale - Tore CNC - Construire/Fabricare

Construire/Fabricare chiar și componente de dimensiuni speciale - Tore CNC - Construire/Fabricare

The Customised manufacturing is performed in a 3000 sqm area. We offer a wide range of services: we construct and machine small, medium and large size components. Our lathes machines are: DOOSAN PUMA ¤ 600/¤ 900 x 2500; DOOSAN LYNX300M ¤ 370 x 720; ALPHA 1400X3 ¤ 400 x 1400; DMG MORI NLX 2500/1250 ¤ 400 x 1250 The strength of this division is the design and manufacturing of fixtures and dedicated machines aiding manufacturing. The secret to our competitiveness is flexibility and high-quality services. Founded in 1993, our company’s philosophy is to serve our clients and partners according to the highest standards, using the most up-to-date technologies.


W: 270 ÷ 290. Farina di grano tenerp di Tipo ‘0’. ROUTE36 è la farina ideale per la Pizza a Ruota di Carro e tutte le lavorazioni che richiedono impasti molto estensibili. Farina di grano tenero Tipo ‘0’ ottenuta da grani accuratamente selezionati fra le varietà che hanno un ottimo apporto di proteine solubili e Glutenine. Una sapiente macinazione è inoltre in grado di regolare quantità e rapporto di fibre solubili e insolubili per trarne beneficio sia dal punto di vista nutrizionale che reologico, cioè della plasticità degli impasti. Con ROUTE36 si ottengono quindi impasti molto estensibili, che non si ritirano e non si strappano, facili da stendere. 25 KG
Detergent special pentru clapete în injecția de combustibil - automotive

Detergent special pentru clapete în injecția de combustibil - automotive

A special cleaner for throttles in fuel-injection systems and carburettors. When oil encrustations build up, throttles become misaligned. This is caused by the evaporation of oil and fuel, and can cause incorrect exhaust emissions to develop. Cleaning with Blast it! restores the default position of the throttles and gives you optimal exhaust control. Fields of application Suitable for throttles, intake manifolds and exhaust gas recycling ventilators of all petrol and diesel engines. Usage Remove the throttle, insert the extension tube into Blast it!’s spray nozzle and shake the can well. Then spray onto dirty areas. Allow about 5 minutes for it to take effect and then wash the residue out by spraying again. If necessary, wipe over with a cloth, then re-attach the throttle. In the case of 6-cylinder motors, firstly scratch out the incrustation on the intake manifold with a screwdriver, then clean with Blast it!. Batch quantity/Packaging units Batch quantity: 200ml spray...
mașini speciale - Formare la rece și la cald a metalelor

mașini speciale - Formare la rece și la cald a metalelor

Le macchine speciali di Schmale Maschinenbau sono dotate di una combinazione intelligente di tecnologie. L'impianto mostrato sopra è utilizzato per la produzione di elementi di rinforzo in materiale pieno con un diametro di 20 mm per l'edilizia. Le unità servo-elettriche come le slitte piegatrici, le presse e le piegatrici a dita vengono combinate in soluzioni specifiche del cliente per la produzione di singoli articoli che non possono essere prodotti su macchine standard. Schmale offre macchine speciali per la lavorazione di fili, tubi e nastri.
Profile din aluminiu

Profile din aluminiu

Not all extruded profiles are required to be circular in shape! Whether it is a seamless or porthole hollow-profile, at ALUnna, we have a multitude of possibilities. Simple profiles, such as a solid profile or an angle profile, are also available. On some profiles we may have the possibility to further improve the dimensional tolerances by adding a subsequent drawing step to achieve final dimensions. In addition to round tube, shaped, square or rectangular tubes in both medium strength and high-strength alloys can be produced.
Inginerie Mecanică/Echipamente

Inginerie Mecanică/Echipamente

Profitieren Sie von unserem langjährigen Fachwissen. Wir fertigen, liefern und montieren mit unserem Partner qualitativ hochwertige Rohrbündel Wärmeaustauscher, vollverschweißte PlattenWärmeaustauscher, RechteckWärmeaustauscher, Druckbehälter und Sonderapparate.
Ghiduri de sârmă și role de îndreptare - SEGMENTE SPECIALE

Ghiduri de sârmă și role de îndreptare - SEGMENTE SPECIALE

The manufacturing precision of the roller has a major influence on the quality of the final product (wires) as well as on the service life of the rollers. It is therefore essential that the ground “V” groove on the outer ring is machined and positioned precisely relative to the internal geometry. WIB only produces straightener roller bearings produced in this fashion, while many other producers machine the outer wire guide groove after assembly
Ambalaj special

Ambalaj special

To ensure safe transport and enable an easy handover of the products during later industrial processes and assembly, we ship our springs and sub-assemblies in special packaging. Any conceivable special packaging is adapted precisely to the product in question, e.g. blister or polyethylene packaging. Tube packaging: Compression springs are transported in tube packaging. Tube packaging ensures that they can be inserted without problems, down to the last spring. Sub-assemblies, bent strip parts and laser-generated samples are transported in blister or polyethylene packaging to protect them during transport and storage. Modifying specific extraction mechanisms: We would also be pleased to assist you with our expertise regarding the modification of specific extraction mechanisms. This eliminates downtime of highly complex assembly equipment caused by springs getting caught up in one another.
Imprimare prin serigrafie pe rolă - Imprimăm decorațiunile dumneavoastră pe mașini de imprimare prin serigrafie pe rolă, special dezvoltate

Imprimare prin serigrafie pe rolă - Imprimăm decorațiunile dumneavoastră pe mașini de imprimare prin serigrafie pe rolă, special dezvoltate

Rollensiebdruck ist unsere Stärke. Wir drucken Ihre Dekore auf speziell entwickelten Rollensiebdruckmaschinen in höchster Präzision. Eine berührungslose Passerung der Drucke, ein klimatisierter Bahnlauf in der Maschine, reproduzierbare Maschineneinstellungen und qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen schon vor Druckbeginn sorgen für eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität. Aufträge mit großen Stückzahlen drucken wir auf einer 2 Farben Zylinder - Rollensiebdruckmaschine, Klemm, Derby 750 mit einer Bahnbreite von max 800 mm. Das Druckformat beträgt 770 x 480 mm. Mittlere Stückzahlen werden auf einer komplett CNC gesteuerten 1 Farben Zylinder - Rollensiebdruckmaschine MP1, mit einer Bahnbreite von 350 mm gedruckt. Das maximale Druckformat ist 320 x 365 mm. Diese Maschine zeichnet sich durch höchste Passgenauigkeit und Detailwiedergabe aus und ist seit Mai 2008 in Produktion. Ein zweites Druckwerk zur Erweiterung dieser Maschine befindet sich zur Zeit im Bau.
Caramele speciale - Caramel cu unt sărat, caramel cu smântână, caramel cu lapte, caramel vegan

Caramele speciale - Caramel cu unt sărat, caramel cu smântână, caramel cu lapte, caramel vegan

Specialty caramels are a large family of caramels, ranging from milk caramel to salted butter caramel, vegan, reduced sugar... These caramels offer a unique texture and taste to each product. In paste or glitter form, a variety of ingredients (honey, milk, cream, chocolate, butter, vegetable fats...) can be used to create them. They respond to clean label trends, and can be made from sustainable ingredients. To meet consumer expectations, Sethness Roquette also offers a range of vegan and reduced-sugar caramels. These caramels can be Kosher or Halal, but also organic. Their main applications are - Cookies - Ice cream - Dairy products - Chocolate - Pastries
SCHNORR® - Arcuri Speciale

SCHNORR® - Arcuri Speciale

Wir haben uns darauf spezialisiert, gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden maßgeschneiderte Sonderlösungen zu entwickeln. Neue Anwendungsgebiete, wachsende Qualitäts- und Leistungsanforderungen oder spezifische Werkstoffe – in der eigenen Versuchs- und Entwicklungsabteilung erarbeiten hoch qualifizierte Ingenieure im Prozess mit dem Kunden passgenaue Lösungen, die exakt auf dessen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. SCHNORR® realisiert qualitativ hochwertige Sonderfedern in Einzelfertigung oder in großen Stückzahlen, ebenso wie erstklassige Standardprodukte. In hauseigenen Prüfeinrichtungen werden je nach Kundenanforderungen Stichproben-Prüfungen oder 100 % Prüfungen der Teile durchgeführt, um die geforderten Standards zu erfüllen. Mit unserem Maschinenpark und unserem Know-How in der Verarbeitung von Federstählen sind wir in der Lage, jegliche Stanzteile aus Federstahl und weiteren Werkstoffen nach Ihren Anforderungen zu produzieren. Hierzu zählen auch sogenannte Blattfedern.
Fertilizatori Speciali

Fertilizatori Speciali

Products that contain in its composition, substances that revolutionize the physiology of the plants and have some concrete effects. Since citokinins, predecessors of some proteins, stimulants of the photosynthesis, vegetable extracts, etc.
Prelucrare - Soluții de prelucrare de precizie pentru profile din aluminiu

Prelucrare - Soluții de prelucrare de precizie pentru profile din aluminiu

Introducing Aluminium Machining - Your Premier Provider of Proficient Profile Production and Processed Products At Aluminium Machining, we take pride in offering comprehensive services to our esteemed customers. Our expertise extends beyond profile production, as we also specialize in delivering top-notch processed or finished products utilizing the latest CNC and mechanical processing centers. With our state-of-the-art facilities, we guarantee precise cutting up to 5 mm, maintaining a remarkable tolerance of ± 0.1 mm. Our double-head saws enable us to effortlessly execute angled cuts ranging from 350mm to an impressive 12000mm. To further cater to your specific requirements, we possess the capability to conduct drilling, unloading, and die-cutting processes using eccentric presses. Additionally, our proficient team can seamlessly perform CNC milling and unloading processes, ensuring unparalleled precision and efficiency.


Moderne Technik ermöglicht es uns, Ihnen ein breites Sortiment an Palettentypen anbieten zu können, z.B.: Chemiepaletten nach VCI Standard Sonderpaletten Ein- und Mehrwegpaletten Industriepaletten Alle unsere Produkte können einer Hitzebehandlung nach IPPC-Standard ISPM Nr. 15 unterzogen werden, bzw. getrocknet werden.
Fierării Speciale

Fierării Speciale

Forges spéciales Dimension :½" - 196" jusqu’à 35 000 kgs/pc Normes:Selon plan de client Dimension:½" - 196" jusqu’à 35 000 kgs/pc Matière:Acier Carbonne, Allié, Inoxydable, Duplex & Super Duplex et autres
Schimbător de căldură special - Schimbătoare de căldură

Schimbător de căldură special - Schimbătoare de căldură

Know-how for special applications There are applications with very special requirements for the heat exchanger. Due to its decades of experience, Anthermo GmbH has the necessary know-how to be able to build special heat exchangers for special applications. So every year we build numerous heat exchangers that are a bit off the standard. Dimensioning with EDP programs With the help of EDP programs, Anthermo GmbH is also able to dimension and technically design special heat exchangers. The technical design and dimensioning is strictly based on the specifications and requirements of the customer. After the design, a three-dimensional CAD model is created. The CAD drawing approved by the customer forms the basis for production with the most modern IT-supported production systems.
Soluții Speciale (Filtre Personalizate) - NF-Switch

Soluții Speciale (Filtre Personalizate) - NF-Switch

Sammelentstörfilter passend zum Hauptschalter Nennströme 250 – 800 A Schnelle Installation Ideal für Schaltschränke Passend zum Hauptschalter
Construcția de mașini speciale pentru industria bijuteriilor - Planificăm și realizăm mașini și dispozitive speciale conform specificațiilor clientului.

Construcția de mașini speciale pentru industria bijuteriilor - Planificăm și realizăm mașini și dispozitive speciale conform specificațiilor clientului.

Wir plannen und realisieren Sondermaschinen und Vorrichtungen nach Kundenwunsch. Die Schmuckindustrie bleibt dabei unser Hauptmarkt.